The Cat Butt Coloring Book Story

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One fateful morning in April of 2017…

Valbrains was browsing for gifts on the internet when the invisible hand of digital marketing led her to a set of cat butt magnets. Intrigued, she delved further into the cat cornhole universe and discovered that there were cat butt coasters, cat butt tissue dispensers, cat butt mugs, cat butt cookie cutters and cat but socks, but there were no cat butt coloring books! So, she set out to make one and the original Cat Butts: A Coloring Book was born.


Humble beginnings

Initially, the cover was a simple black and white design set against a repeating cat butt pattern, but the book received a facelift in 2019 so that cat butt enthusiasts the world over could enjoy feline behinds in full color. Cat Butts has sold over 60,000 print copies and reached #117 on amazon’s list of all books available for sale.

Since valbrains conceived the original cat butt coloring book in 2017, there have been plenty of copycats. Accepting that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, valbrains has been focused on producing new cat butt titles and vanquishing her competitors through ppc marketing.

Many small steps for cat butts

2018 was quite a prolific year for cat butt subject matter expert valbrains. That year, she released:

Then, in 2019, valbrains prepared Cat Butts in Space (The Feline Frontier!) 🚀for liftoff.

She followed it up with The Cat Butt Coloring and Activity Book 🖍️(published by Chronicle Books) in 2020.

Valbrains is currently contractually prohibited from making any additional cat butt books, but you better believe she has more tricks up her sleeve. Stay up to date @valbrains and @catbuttcoloring.

How the sausage is made

Each book begins with a list of ideas for drawings (usually on a comically small piece of paper).

From there, valbrains draws each coloring page by hand in red pencil, then traces her drawings digitally in Adobe Illustrator. Finally, she does cover design and lays out the interior in Illustrator and InDesign. The last step is uploading the cover and interior PDF files and writing the witty description for each title.

From there it’s up to you, intrepid colorers. Thank you for continuing to make Valbrains cat butt coloring books a smelly success!


Original drawings from Cat Butt Xmas